How to provide list(s) of element(s)

On the right of the example page, you can fill each of the six textareas with your own data (warning: one element per line!). If the same item is given multiple times, this one will be considered as unique.
You can also customize the list labels using the text field on the top of each textarea. The length of the name is limited at eleven characters.

Two display modes: classic and Edwards

The default value is 'classic' to output a classical venn diagram. If you want an Edwards-Venn diagram representation, just select 'edwards' using the drop-down list. Available values are: 'classic' and 'edwards'.

Highlighting intersections

When you point an intersection count, all list(s) sharing it are highlighted.

Question mark

For all diagrams, when the intersection count size exceeds the allowed space, the value is substituted by a question mark. The real value pops-up on mouseover.

Click function

To display the specific or shared element(s) click on the intersection numbers. The linked elements are listed in the textarea below the jvenn diagram.

By clicking on the top right icon you can export:

  • the venn diagram as a PNG file
  • the venn diagram as a SVG file
  • the intersection table as a CSV file

If you provide more than 3 lists a switch button panel is available. Use it to focus on the intersection of interest. Moreover, to enhance the figure’s readability on the classical six lists Venn graphic, it was decided not to present all the values and to link some areas to their figures using lines. This still did not permit to show all figures, use the switch button panel to display it.

Warning: having one switch botton on disable all other interaction with the diagram.

Having an overview of the list size and comparing multiple diagrams can be difficult using a Venn diagram. Thus, jvenn provides two extra charts bellow the Venn.

  • The first one represents the input lists size histogram. It allows users to check the homogeneity of the lists size.
  • The second one displays the number of elements located in intersections of a certain size. This feature can be used to compare the compactness of multiple Venn diagrams.

In the first chart you can see the number of elements in each list (the shorter list is the "list 5" with 858 elements).

In the second chart, 1707 elements are specific of one list and 399 elements are shared by two of the six lists.