Read before use
1, check data with precheck (windows version) tools
2, data from excel, copy and paste data into the input frame
3, data from txt, must tab-seperated, copy and paste data into the input frame
4, specieal and non-English characters such as #, <, >, %, (, ), α are not friendly
5, use point as decimal separator, not comma. e.g. 3.14, not 3,14 as pi
Note: do not submit large data

Figure size
figure width:
figure height:

Colors and others
lower color:
middle color:
higher color:
color number:
title :
labelled SNP names (comma seperated, no special characters)

SNP name size:



SNP linkage disequilibrium (LD) heatmap

Understanding the linkage disequilibrium (LD) between SNPs is very important for the selection of haplotype.
Input data instructions
Matrix input data. The first row is location of SNP, the second row is SNP names, the other rows are genotypes, NA for none.
Paper example
Association mapping of resistance to rice blast in upland field conditions Fig 3
Input Example

1) How to plot?
1, Put data in excel according to the example format.
2, Copy and paste into input frame.
3, Input pre-checking button to check input
4, After checking pass, select parameters, submit and download

2) How to cite?
3000+ papers in (Google Scholar)
Tang D, Chen M, Huang X, Zhang G, Zeng L, Zhang G, Wu S, Wang Y. SRplot: A free online platform for data visualization and graphing. PLoS One. 2023 Nov 9;18(11):e0294236. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294236. PMID: 37943830.

3) FAQs